substituteif you can't get therealconnectionwhat will you settle forwhat WILL you settle forhow will you play it outwhat will you doto make yourself feellike you're in thereback in thereor in the general vacinity what will you settle for?how will you playitagain again againback thereits all you ever wantedall you ever forgotI WANT YOUI WANT YOUi want meto bemyselfagaini want you to bewhat you neverrememberwhat will you takeinstead?????what colorwhat shapewhat sizewill fitwhere it outa behow fasthow hardhow shinylook at melook againin therein youin mesurogatea pilla popa dicka cunta touchthat ain'tthere at alla pill a pop a dick a cuntthis face that onethis place and therewhat will you settle forwhen its not heresomething brightsomeone nota tripor securitywhat face will it havethis powerlessnessto dowhat needs to be donewhat color size shapenamefeelthe way it stealsyoudistractionsonly this only this ONLY THISbeforethere was beforeyou name itcall it to menowpowerlessness to connectreplaysreenactmentsfrom way backeverythingeveryoneeverythingeveryonecodeand before thatbefore thatbefore that...what was yourswhat was oursalways wasisalways wasiswasiswasiswasiswasiswasisforgetforgettingtouch