
Locked away
sitting in a cell
hearing the news from the outside on the phone

Trapped in noise of other voices
Shut the fuck up!!!!
All I can do is wait for the next chance to catch the next episode of...
life in the illusion of freedom,
but it's free
more free than I can be

"Hey man, pass me that hot  plate."
Fuck you nigga!
I'm trying to sleep.

All I'm really trying to do is imagine how I want to hold you.
Creeping into my imagination is who might me taking my place.

Hell isn't fire and a red muthafucka' with a pitch fork,
it's being told to eat, when you can go to 'recess' with the rest of the captives,
shitting in the kitchen where peanut butter, peanut butter, and jelly!
song plays in my head allllll fuckin' day long.

Dreaming of cuddling and kissing the back of your neck.
wiping your tears away.
making love to you five times a night.
feeling the cold and the warmth of your skin.
smelling your sweat.
watching a movie with you as we doze off into bliss...

I'm stuck in hell like George Jackson, just waiting for time to pass.
I hope I get a chance to prove my innocence.

I know I fucked up.
I did.
I have before, but...
this time...
I am.
I am innocent.

Fuck track records...
Patterns are the bars to my cell.

all I want to do is hold you and tell you, "baby, everything may not be all right, but while I'm here by your side, I'll help you through anything that may come."

But I'm stuck. My actions invited my absence.

I am not by your side.

I set you free. I let you go.

I never had you.

A journey into a new realm.


A gift. A tool.


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