
The silence in your voice says...

exactly that.

You are torn between two loves.
Yes you are blessed to witness what some cannot, even if they try, try, try, try again...

The Sun shines on your ability to choose, but you... you still need darkness to understand.

Let the Moon grow silent in your life; let the Sun stay in it's bed of darkness; let the Wind not whisper a word; let the Water be calm; let the fish-tanks and cars, the chatter and scars, the wildest of wonders, and the lightning and thunder be gone.

You, yes you! You need a break as much as I do.

I will ponder the Universals of LIFE. I will drink my fermented libations and not let a drip touch the Earth, as I need every drop.

I will sleep in my bed cozy. I will BE in Silence. I will play my guitars; yes my Juni Uni, and my Ife, for I have given my Root to my cousin, whose father, like mine, has gone to rest.

Oh how I am jealous of the resting...

I bow to the inevitable, and say, "Karma, you are craaaazy, and I love you with ALL of MY HEART! Thank you for showing Me, Myself. Self, meet You. You, meet Self. Nice to meet Me, I says to Myself.

Now. Now, in the silence of the Moon, no reflection matters more than the whole of Me.

Control wonders why I have given up, but... I doesn't need to speak of It, and Myself... Well, Me, Myself, and I are content with the ebb and flow of this sea of events.

I will perish physically when Time says, "YOU! You are coming with me today! I have watched you grow, and ALL need YOU to be available! Come! You will be rewarded with this gift of Death. I have waited patiently for this moment."

Spiritually, I perish and am reborn every-month, every-week, every-day, every-hour, and every second. I die and relive the moments as an extreme Cancer. I separate the extremes like a true Gemini. I am stubborn like a Bull, and like a Bull in many ways. I Roar!!!!!!!!!! like a Lion, and I'm not lying. I split the two Lions into their extremes, and fly like the almost extinct Dragon, the Dinosaurs of magic and contemplation.

Millions of years pass by in our connection and it only takes the awareness that the Universe works.

Even if I am not happy with the outcome... come on... I don't have to be.

Control left with Assumption, and the Fact remains. Fact says..., "Dude, Heart won't lie to you. Mind will fill you with maaaaany outcomes. Balance will come if you reach for her hand. Peace comes to you only when you are fatigued with Trying, and Life just wants to know your are treating Time with gratitude."

The blessing in the equation is breath.

I breath and I am Grateful. I move and I am Blessed.

Let every-one, and every-thing, and every-place be a VERB. Nouns are only descriptions of Reality.

Two is 2, and 3 is Three.

One is Me, Myself, and I.

Be grateful for the multiplicity of Love, for she holds every layer of what you feel and think.

You can run with the grandest of fabrics and materials, but Wisdom is not always beside you. Experience has vowed allegiance to you, and has promised to do everything in his power to introduce you to Wisdom. If Experience can vouch for your meeting, You will grow. Doubt will leave you.

Three is too many.

Silence says,
"                                                                                                                          ."


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