Blackulah's rant
Invest in society, or slide the slippery slope
to dope with no hope, and puff puff just to cope.
A toke on tight rope.
The drop is so close.
The buildings burn and trashed,
like aftermath of Watts smoke.
and did I mention conventional ways don't work?
Roll your sleeves up buddy, it's muddy in my work.
Fu*k twerking and drinking ya' blues,
black eye bruise,
black guys news,
dead on arrival in new shoes.
Last Poets said 'Nigga's are scared of Revolution',
but my pop said a dog in corner has two solutions.
Jump and bight back,
or continue to cry and cower.
Afros down to conks and locked back to black power.
That rope from strange fruits decayed and decades later...
From bayous and waded waters from crocks and alligator,
to Corporate Overseers and laws to make just,
the just is just us, and ICE for browns. What?
When I'm a slave to the loans that I took to level fields,
Ain't no playing for me, if I do, then I spill.
The higher my opportunity, the education is shit.
Like crabs in a bucket my legs are held quick.
While my head is pushed down and my hands are trampled on...
So I write and recite prayers in the form of rap songs.
In the name of one being and being one in frustrations.
I Buddha Jesus and Me to and ascend this creation.
This physical world is hell and in jail cells their paths lead.
If I protest to scream or sell cream to buy things...
It's a different name in a game that's still the same in a different shirt.
So the rules may have shifted, but they haven't changed cause they still work.
The chains still remain in a new fashion, and style,
so you wear Nike and 'Tims', or whatever the pacifier...
At the end of the day, it's all black with bright stars,
unless the infinite sky's blocked and can't reflect your hearts.
The fact that some thinking's happening through social media and news,
is better than unspoken, the truth with no clues...
Still the dawn is the rise of new days when we wake up,
and NOW it's just dusk, as I bust back on pay cuts.
The moonlight shines to remind me that the Sun is there.
So I pray and let go, and let God, with no Fear.
to dope with no hope, and puff puff just to cope.
A toke on tight rope.
The drop is so close.
The buildings burn and trashed,
like aftermath of Watts smoke.
and did I mention conventional ways don't work?
Roll your sleeves up buddy, it's muddy in my work.
Fu*k twerking and drinking ya' blues,
black eye bruise,
black guys news,
dead on arrival in new shoes.
Last Poets said 'Nigga's are scared of Revolution',
but my pop said a dog in corner has two solutions.
Jump and bight back,
or continue to cry and cower.
Afros down to conks and locked back to black power.
That rope from strange fruits decayed and decades later...
From bayous and waded waters from crocks and alligator,
to Corporate Overseers and laws to make just,
the just is just us, and ICE for browns. What?
When I'm a slave to the loans that I took to level fields,
Ain't no playing for me, if I do, then I spill.
The higher my opportunity, the education is shit.
Like crabs in a bucket my legs are held quick.
While my head is pushed down and my hands are trampled on...
So I write and recite prayers in the form of rap songs.
In the name of one being and being one in frustrations.
I Buddha Jesus and Me to and ascend this creation.
This physical world is hell and in jail cells their paths lead.
If I protest to scream or sell cream to buy things...
It's a different name in a game that's still the same in a different shirt.
So the rules may have shifted, but they haven't changed cause they still work.
The chains still remain in a new fashion, and style,
so you wear Nike and 'Tims', or whatever the pacifier...
At the end of the day, it's all black with bright stars,
unless the infinite sky's blocked and can't reflect your hearts.
The fact that some thinking's happening through social media and news,
is better than unspoken, the truth with no clues...
Still the dawn is the rise of new days when we wake up,
and NOW it's just dusk, as I bust back on pay cuts.
The moonlight shines to remind me that the Sun is there.
So I pray and let go, and let God, with no Fear.